
Master Janene Laird (AFSM) - Director


Master Janene Laird is an IFSA Accredited Feng Shui Master and Director of ShengChi-Feng Shui. She comes from a background in education and combines a Bachelor of Arts and Diploma of Teaching with nearly 20 years of study, practice and experience in the Feng Shui industry.

Primarily located in Melbourne Australia, Master Janene consults globally on both Commercial and Residential projects. She is the President of the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) - Australia Chapter, founder and editor of the industry-leading online magazine Feng Shui Today, Honorary Treasurer of the IFSA and in 2011 was the first Australian consultant to be awarded the title of Accredited Feng Shui Master.

For nearly two decades Master Janene has devoted herself to the study and practice of Chinese Metaphysics. Since commencing formal studies at the Australian College of Environmental Studies (ACES) in 2003, she has gone on to complete her Diploma of Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology (Bazi) in 2008 and Diploma of Advanced Practitioner Training in 2009 with Grand Master Raymond Lo of Hong Kong.

In 2008 Master Janene and her family moved to Singapore where she pursued further studies with Grand Master Vincent Koh at the Singapore Feng Shui Centre and successfully completed Certificates of Practice in Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology and Zi Wei Dou Shu.

During this time she also undertook training in Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection with Grand Master Francis Leyau, Urban Landform with Master Mas Kerhardthan, Cosmic Flow & IV Pillars of Destiny with Jerry King and San He Formulae with Grand Master Dr. Stephen Skinner. Since returning to Australia she continues to enjoy the guidance and mentorship of GM Dr. Stephen Skinner and Dr. Chong Jin Peh, as part of her lifelong commitment to provide the highest standard of professional service for her clients.

In 2014 Master Janene was the official organizer of the International Feng Shui Convention (IFSC) in Melbourne, with over 250 international and national delegates in attendance. In 2015 she was elected to the Executive Committee of the IFSA (Singapore) and also launched Feng Shui Style, an online shop providing traditional Feng Shui products.

Most recently Master Janene was a guest speaker at the 2015 Shanghai IFSC and the 2016 Bangkok IFSC. In 2017 she performed dual roles as co-MC and guest speaker at the Manila IFSC and in November 2017 assumed the position of Honorary Secretary of the IFSA. In December 2018 Master Janene was a guest speaker at the Okayama IFSC in Japan and in 2019 was the MC at the 16th annual International Feng Shui Convention (IFSC), held in Singapore. Currently she holds the position of IFSA Honorary Treasurer.


  • IFSA Accredited Feng Shui Master (AFSM)
  • Bachelor of Arts & Diploma of Education – RMIT University
  • Practitioner Diploma of Feng Shui - Australian College of Environmental Studies
  • Advanced Practitioner Feng Shui - Australian Academy of Feng Shui
  • Certificate Chinese Astrology - Australian College of Environmental Studies
  • Certificate of Geomancy & Feng Shui - Australian College of Environmental Studies
  • Traditional Feng Shui – Grand Master Raymond Lo
  • Certificate IV Pillars of Destiny – Grand Master Raymond Lo
  • Diploma Feng Shui, IV Pillars of Destiny, I-Ching – Grand Master Raymond Lo
  • Diploma of Advanced Practitoner Training - Grand Master Raymond Lo
  • Certificate of Practice - Basic Science of Feng Shui - Grand Master Vincent Koh
  • Certificate of Practice - IV Pillars of Destiny - Grand Master Vincent Koh
  • Certificate of Practice - Zi Wei Dou Shu - Grand Master Vincent Koh
  • LuoPan Workshop Melbourne Class - Grand Master Dr Stephen Skinner
  • Advanced Flying Star Classes 1,2 & 3 - Grand Master Dr Stephen Skinner
  • Understanding Feng Shui Fire Theories – Master Melynda Munroe
  • Urban Landform Master Class - Master Mas Kehardtham
  • Advanced 4 Pillars Workshop Level 1,2 & 3 - White Dragon - Jerry King
  • Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection - Grand Master Francis Leyau
  • Xuan Kong Bazhi - ECOFS - Howard Choy
  • Feng Shui for the Asian Market - ECOFS - Howard Choy
  • San He Feng Shui Part 1 & 2 - Yap Cheng Hai Academy - Master Yap Boh Chu
  • Advanced Four Pillars of Destiny Level 1,2,3 & 4 - Dr Jin Peh
  • Using Feng Shui in Real Life Situations - Grand Master Dr Stephen Skinner
